
Lifelong Learning

Athens expands opportunities for innovative and flexible forms of learning

Investing in people and knowledge

Equal and open access to high-quality learning opportunities and a variety of learning experiences for people of all ages, are primary objectives for the City of Athens.

Lifelong learning includes all types of learning activities – formal, non-formal or informal – that have a specific objective, are implemented on an ongoing basis and are aimed at improving knowledge, qualifications, abilities and skills. Lifelong learning can take place in a range of environments, both within and outside formal education and training systems.

Today, lifelong learning is a political priority on an international basis, since it is clearly linked to employment, social well-being and the individual’s full involvement in society. An ageing population, combined with the lack of skills demonstrated by the workforce, and global competitiveness, render lifelong learning a critical element for growth and social cohesion, particularly in the current circumstances.

For all these reasons, the City of Athens offers programmes and initiatives in premises that operate as modern educational hubs:

  1. Lifelong Learning Centre
  2. POIO Laboratory
  3. Kypseli Municipal Market
  4. Innovathens